Ongoing Master's theses
Delic, Dominik: "Kulturelles Erbe in 3D" Eine Untersuchung von webbasierten Viewern für 3D-Objekte
Begutachterin: Zuanni Chiara
Dittmann, Christina Kerstin Elisabeth: An Exploratory Data Analysis of Sylvia Beach's Shakespeare and Company: Current Research, Possibilities and Constraints
Begutachterin: Scholger Martina
Fruhwirth, Alexander Lukas: Preserving video games and their elements -
A digital scholarly edition approach
Begutachterin: Zuanni Chiara
Hammer, Nathalie-Carina: Museumspädagogik und Neue Medien. Sensibilisierung für die museale Arbeit mit Kindern unter Berücksichtigung des EUROMACHS-Projektes "Das virtuelle Museum der Universität Graz"
Begutacher: Koch Walter
Höfer, Susanne: Einen literarischen Thementeppich knüpfen - Eine digitale Edition zur Montagetechnik des Feuilletonisten Alfred Polgars anhand selektierter Kurzprosawerke aus seiner Schaffensperiode von 1910-1930
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Lesjak, Ines: Automatischer Vergleich slowenischer Kinder- und Jugendliteratur Übersetzungen im Laufe der Zeit
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Puntigam, Laura: Assertive Edition am Beispiel von Arthur Schnitzlers Theaterliste
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Schöngruber, Sarah: Personendatenabgleich am Beispiel der Prosopographie Kaiser Maximilians
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Schuh, Stefan: User Interface für die Erfassung von Daten nach RDA
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Sonnberger, Jakob: The 1723 London Oaths Of Allegiance - An Ontology for 18th Century Occupations
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Trigler, Stefan: Quantitative text analysis: Stylometry of film scripts
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Completed Master's theses
Ahmed, Jasmin: Creating Emotional Engagement in Digital Storytelling: Reading Interactive Narratives as Empathetic Encounters
Begutachterin: Zuanni Chiara
Atzenhofer-Baumgartner, Florian: Quantifying Formulaic Flexibility of Middle High German Legal Texts
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Bachlechner, Verena: The connection of original and replica in the digital space. Replicas produced using digital methods as part of the object biography
Begutachterin: Zuanni Chiara
Bartl, Maja Felicitas: Modellierung des Alltäglichen in einem Briefkonvolut der Nachkriegszeit
Begutachterin: Luise Borek
Bürgermeister, Martina: Information and Interface Design exemplified on the digital edition of the arms and protrait books of the city of Regensburg
Begutachter: Stigler Johannes
Burgstaller, Christina: The Photographic Heritage. Digitizing Historical Photo Albums
Begutachterin: Scholger Martina
Dörfler, Franz Gregor: "A look behind the point cloud"
Challenges and opportunities in dealing with data from photogrammic 3D models
Begutachterin: Zuanni Chiara
Egger, Christopher: Kyselak’s journey through the Duchy of Styria (1825) – A deep mapping project
Begutachter: Scheuermann Leif
Eibinger, Julia: Analysis of Positional Distribution of Early New High German Graphemes - Possibilities of Hyperdiplomatic Transcription
in Digital Palaeography
Begutachter: Roman Bleier
Fleck, Michael: Automatic Annotation and Exploitation of audiovisual sources on samples of the Deutsche Wochenschau
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Friedl, Stefanie: Digital processing of the arms and portrait books of the city of Regensburg: Project management and documentation
Begutachter: Koch Walter
Galka, Selina Veronika: Karl Wiesinger: Digital edition of the diaries (1961-1973)
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Glavič, Jože: Correspondence of Josephine and Fidelio Terpinc (1825-1858) - Digital Letter Edition from the Historical Archives Ljubljana
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Hartleb, Christoph Maximilian: Cultural Heritage and computer games: Learning with Minecraft
Begutachterin: Zuanni Chiara
Hechtl, Angelika: Continuing to read Kraus – Modeling Karl Kraus' lectures in TEI
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Höserle, Christian: Preserve history to create (digital)future. Digital long-term preservation strategies implemented at the "Hans-Gross-Kriminalmuseum"
Begutachter: Stigler Johannes
Kattnig, Markus Andreas: Legal Framework for Research Data
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Kothgasser, Katharina: Project Marketing in the Cultural Heritage Domain - demonstrated by a local and an international project
Begutachter: Koch Walter
Kroißenbrunner, Martin: Evaluation of Text Mining Methods to determine Fragmentation in the Twitter Discourse on Austrian Neutrality
Begutachterin: Zuanni Chiara
Krottmaier, Sina: Cultural heritage representations in video games and their perception by the gaming community examined on the example of Metro 2033: Redux
Begutachterin: Zuanni Chiara
Lamminger, Florian: "Opening the Vault. Retrieving and Publishing Digital Museum Data"
Begutachterin: Zuanni Chiara
Leiter, Nina Carola: Heritage Learning Objects. Theoretical and practical analysis of cultural heritage data modelling concepts in context of educational purposes
Begutachter: Stigler Johannes
Lohan, Reinhild: Modeling the cook- and housekeeping book of Anna Margaretha Justina Lindheimer (1711-1783) in TEI
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Martelanz, Gudrun Astrid: Optical Character Recognition and historical exhibition catalogues - comparison of tools for optical text recognition using the catalogues of the Steiermärkischer Kunstverein
Begutachterin: Scholger Martina
Melcher, Sabrina Sonja: "The way Instagram changes the perception of photographs in museums"
Begutachterin: Zuanni Chiara
Misera, Hanna Marlena: Optical Character Recognition and historical exhibition catalogues - comparison of tools for optical text recognition using the catalogues of the Steiermärkischer Kunstverein
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
More, Jacqueline: Theory and application of Named Entity Recognition in the Digital Humanities with a focus on 17th century historical texts
Begutachter: Bleier Roman
Nussmüller, Antonia Maria: A Seal is not a Jug - Museum Objects in the Digital Age. A comparative Analysis of selected Digitization Projects in the Context of the Project "The Virtual Museum of the University of Graz"
Begutachter: Stigler Johannes
Ofenauer, Johanna Maria: Of the "most beautiful views", three emperors and "Mexican affairs". Digital edition of the diary of Emperor Maximilian of Mexico from the summer of 1863
Begutachterin: Scholger Martina
Pollin, Christopher: Searching, Browsing, Discovering. Information Retrieval using the example of the digital collection of the Hans Gross Crime Museum
Begutachter: Stigler Johannes
Pressl, Elisabeth: "What if we cut electricity?" Potentials and limitations of virtual representations by the example of the Hans Gross Museum of Criminology
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Raunig, Elisabeth: Grotefend – digital
A digital calendar application for liturgical calendars based on an RDF representation of Grotefend's canon of saints and calendar collection
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Reimann, Helena: "Lieber Freund" vs. "Hochwürdiger Herr" - a comparative Sentiment Analysis of Hugo Schuchardt's Letters
Begutachterin: Scholger Martina
Rossmaier, Angela Maria: The use of Educasting in the Knowledge Transfer of the Regensburg Books of Portraits and Arms
Begutachter: Koch Walter
Sagadin, Suzana: Use of Computer Vision Methods for the Analysis of Historical Photo Collections: State of Research, Opportunities, and Limitations
Begutachterin: Scholger Martina
Saric, Sanja: Topic Modeling on the example of the Hugo Schuchardt correspondence: state of research, possibilities and limits
Begutachterin: Scholger Martina
Schöberl, Stefanie: A digital edition of the "Beschreibung des Himmlischen Jerusalems" according to the manuscript Vorau Cod. 276
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Spielhofer, Caroline: Distance Measures in Gender Classification. Investigating the influence of popular distance measures on the gender classification of tweets
Begutachterin: Scholger Martina
Spielhofer, Lukas: Latin Dedicatory Poems in the Works of the Collegium Poetarum et athematicorum and the Sodalitas litteraria Danubiana. An 'Assertive Edition'
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Steiner, Christian: Cultural Heritage and the Semantic Web. Opportunities and practical feasibility exemplified by the project "Virtual Museum of the University of Graz"
Begutachter: Stigler Johannes
Steiner, Elisabeth: The virtual representation of cultural heritage: Considerations on the design of a Digital Archive exemplified by the “Stamm- und Wappenbücher“ of the city of Regensburg
Begutachter: Stigler Johannes
Stoff, Sebastian: Software Testing in the Digital Humanities
Begutachter: Stigler Johannes
Tscherne, Niklas: The Semantic Web and Diplomatics
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Ukele, Nijole: "Towards Interoperability: Managing Cultural Heritage Data with Semantic Web Technologies"
Begutachter: Stigler Johannes
Unger, Valentin: Acquisition and digital editing of Styrian farm chronicles using the example of Miesenbach near Birkfeld
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Urban, Elisabeth: Unlocking the Past - Analysing US-Slave Narratives with Topic Modelling
Begutachterin: Martina Scholger
Vogeltanz, Maximilian: Data Reuse in practice exemplified by the Digital Edition "Chronik Aldersbach"
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Weinzödl, Julia: Digital Methods in Musicology: Agnes Stock's Song Collection - A Digital Edition
Begutachter: Vogeler Georg
Zambo, Sabine: Die Visualisierung von 3D-Modellen im Kulturerbe
Begutachterin: Zuanni Chiara